TRANSFORMPOINT3D Transform a point with a 3D affine transform.

   PT2 = transformPoint3d(PT1, TRANS);
   PT2 = transformPoint3d(X1, Y1, Z1, TRANS);
   where PT1 has the form [xp yp zp], and TRANS is a 3-by-3, 3-by-4, or
   4-by-4 matrix, returns the point transformed according to the affine
   transform specified by TRANS.

   The function accepts transforms given using the following formats:
   [a b c]   ,   [a b c j] , or [a b c j]
   [d e f]       [d e f k]      [d e f k]
   [g h i]       [g h i l]      [g h i l]
                                [0 0 0 1]

   PT2 = transformPoint3d(PT1, TRANS) 
   also work when PT1 is a N-by-3-by-M-by-P-by-ETC array of double. In
   this case, PT2 has the same size as PT1.

   PT2 = transformPoint3d(X1, Y1, Z1, TRANS);
   also work when X1, Y1 and Z1 are 3 arrays with the same size. In this
   case, PT2 will be a 1-by-3 cell containing {X Y Z} outputs of size(X1).

   [X2, Y2, Z2] = transformPoint3d(...);
   returns the result in 3 different arrays the same size as the input.
   This form can be useful when used with functions like meshgrid or warp.
   MESH2 = transformPoint3d(MESH, TRANS) 
   transforms the field 'vertices' of the struct MESH and returns the same
   struct with the transformed vertices.
   (It is recommended to use the function 'transformMesh', within the
   "meshes3d" module). 

   See also:
     points3d, transforms3d, transformMesh, createTranslation3d
     createRotationOx, createRotationOy, createRotationOz, createScaling

Package: matgeom