TRANSFORMVECTOR Transform a vector with an affine transform.

   VECT2 = transformVector(VECT1, TRANS);
   where VECT1 has the form [xv yv], and TRANS is a [2*2], [2*3] or [3*3]
   matrix, returns the vector transformed with affine transform TRANS.

   Format of TRANS can be one of :
   [a b]   ,   [a b c] , or [a b c]
   [d e]       [d e f]      [d e f]
                            [0 0 1]

   VECT2 = transformVector(VECT1, TRANS);
   Also works when PTA is a [N*2] array of double. In this case, VECT2 has
   the same size as VECT1.

   [vx2 vy2] = transformVector(vx1, vy1, TRANS);
   Also works when vx1 and vy1 are arrays the same size. The function
   transform each couple of (vx1, vy1), and return the result in 
   (vx2, vy2), which is the same size as (vx1 vy1).

   See also:
   vectors2d, transforms2d, rotateVector, transformPoint


   author : David Legland 
   created the 12/03/2007.

Package: matgeom