TRANSFORMVECTOR3D Transform a vector with a 3D affine transform.

   V2 = transformVector3d(V1, TRANS);
   Computes the vector obtained by transforming vector V1 with affine
   transform TRANS.
   V1 has the form [x1 y1 z1], and TRANS is a [3x3], [3x4], or [4x4]
   matrix, with one of the forms:
   [a b c]   ,   [a b c j] , or [a b c j]
   [d e f]       [d e f k]      [d e f k]
   [g h i]       [g h i l]      [g h i l]
                                [0 0 0 1]

   V2 = transformVector3d(V1, TRANS) also works when V1 is a [Nx3xMxEtc]
   array of double. In this case, V2 has the same size as V1.

   V2 = transformVector3d(X1, Y1, Z1, TRANS);
   Specifies vectors coordinates in three arrays with same size.

   [X2 Y2 Z2] = transformVector3d(...);
   Returns the coordinates of the transformed vector separately.

   See also:
   vectors3d, transforms3d, transformPoint3d

   author : David Legland 
   created the 25/11/2008 from transformPoint3d

Package: matgeom