TRANSFORMS3D Conventions for manipulating 3D affine transforms. By 'transform' we mean an affine transform. A 3D affine transform is represented by a 4*4 matrix. The last row of the matrix is equal to [0 0 0 1]. Example: % create a translation by the vector [10 20 30]: T = createTranslation3d([10 20 30]); % Transform a basic point: PT1 = [4 5 6]; PT2 = transformPoint3d(PT1, T) % returns: PT2 = 14 25 36 See also createTranslation3d, createScaling3d, , createBasisTransform3d createRotationOx, createRotationOy, createRotationOz rotation3dAxisAndAngle, rotation3dToEulerAngles, createRotation3dLineAngle, eulerAnglesToRotation3d transformPoint3d, transformVector3d, transformLine3d, transformPlane3d composeTransforms3d, recenterTransform3d
Package: matgeom