TRIANGULATEFACES Convert face array to an array of triangular faces.

   TRI = triangulateFaces(FACES)
   Returns a 3-columns array of indices, based on the data stored in the
   argument FACES:
   - if FACES is a N-by-3 array, returns the same array
   - if FACES is a N-by-4 array, returns an array with 2*N rows and 3
       columns, splitting each square into 2 triangles (uses first and
       third vertex of each square as diagonal).
   - if FACES is a cell array, split each face into a set of triangles,
       and returns the union of all triangles. Faces are assumed to be

   [TRI INDS] = triangulateFaces(FACES)
   Also returns original face index of each new triangular face. INDS has
   the same number of rows as TRI, and has values between 1 and the
   number of rows of the original FACES array.

     % create a basic shape
     [n e f] = createCubeOctahedron;
     % draw with plain faces
     drawMesh(n, f);
     % draw as a triangulation
     tri = triangulateFaces(f);
     patch('vertices', n, 'faces', tri, 'facecolor', 'r');

   See also
     meshes3d, drawMesh, mergeCoplanarFaces

Package: matgeom