TRIANGULATEPOLYGON Compute a triangulation of the polygon. TRI = triangulatePolygon(POLY) Computes a triangulation TRI of the polygon defined by POLY POLY contains the polygon vertices, as a Nv-by-2 array of double. TRI is a Nt-by-3 array containing indices of vertices forming the triangles. Example % creates a simple polygon and computes its Delaunay triangulation poly = [0 0 ; 10 0;5 10;15 15;5 20;-5 10]; figure;drawPolygon(poly); axis equal tri = triangulatePolygon(poly); figure; % patch('Faces', tri, 'Vertices', poly, 'facecolor', 'c'); drawMesh(poly, tri, 'facecolor', 'c'); axis equal % Another example for which constrains were necessary poly2 = [10 10;80 10; 140 20;30 20; 80 30; 140 30; 120 40;10 40]; tri2 = triangulatePolygon(poly2); figure; drawMesh(poly2, tri2); hold on, drawPolygon(poly2, 'linewidth', 2); axis equal axis([0 150 0 50]) See also delaunayTriangulation, drawMesh, patch
Package: matgeom