TRIMESHSURFACEAREA Surface area of a triangular mesh.

   S = trimeshSurfaceArea(V, F)
   S = trimeshSurfaceArea(V, E, F)
   Computes the surface area of the mesh specified by vertex array V and
   face array F. Vertex array is a NV-by-3 array of coordinates. 
   Face array is a NF-by-3, containing vertex indices of each face.

     % Compute area of an octahedron (equal to 2*sqrt(3)*a*a, with 
     % a = sqrt(2) in this case)
     [v f] = createOctahedron;
     trimeshSurfaceArea(v, f)
     ans = 

     % triangulate a compute area of a unit cube
     [v f] = createCube;
     f2 = triangulateFaces(f);
     trimeshSurfaceArea(v, f2)
     ans =

   See also
   meshes3d, meshSurfaceArea, trimeshMeanBreadth, triangulateFaces

Package: matgeom