Horizontal angle of a vector, or angle between 2 vectors.

   A = vectorAngle(V);
   Returns angle between Ox axis and vector direction, in radians, in
   counter-clockwise orientation.
   The result is normalised between 0 and 2*PI.

   A = vectorAngle(V1, V2);
   Returns the angle from vector V1 to vector V2, in counter-clockwise
   order, in radians.

   A = vectorAngle(..., 'midAngle', MIDANGLE);
   Specifies convention for angle interval. MIDANGLE is the center of the
   2*PI interval containing the result. See normalizeAngle for details.

   rad2deg(vectorAngle([2 2]))
   ans =
   rad2deg(vectorAngle([1 sqrt(3)]))
   ans =
   rad2deg(vectorAngle([0 -1]))
   ans =
   See also:
     vectors2d, angles2d, normalizeAngle

Package: matgeom