Function File: [Reactions, Displacements, MemF] = SolveFrame(joints, members, nodeloads, dist, point)
Solves a 2D frame with the matrix displacement method for the following input parameters:
joints = [x , y, constraints ; ...]
constraints=[x , y, rotation] free=0, supported=1
members = [nodeN, nodeF, E, I, A; ...]
nodeloads = [node, Fx, Fy, Mz; ...]
loads on members:
dist = [membernum,FxN,FyN,FxF,FyF,a,b,local ; ...] for distributed loads where FxN and FyN are the loads on distance a from the near node (same with far node and distance b) local=1 if loads are on local axis, 0 if global
point = [membernum,Fx,Fy,a,local; ...] where Fx and Fy are the loads on distance a from the node near local=1 if loads are on local axis, 0 if global
Output is formated as follows (rownumber corresponds to node or member number):
Reactions = [Fx,Fy,Mz;...] where NaN if it was a non supported dof
Displacements = [x,y,rotation;...]
MemF = [FxN, FyN, MzN, FxF, FyF, MzF; ...]