Function File: colorboard (m, palette, options)

Displays a color board corresponding to a numeric matrix m. m should contain zero-based indices of colors. The available range of indices is given by the palette argument, which can be one of the following:

  • "b&w" Black & white, using reverse video mode. This is the default if m is logical.
  • "ansi8" The standard ANSI 8 color palette. This is the default unless m is logical.
  • "aix16" The AIXTerm extended 16-color palette. Uses codes 100:107 for bright colors.
  • "xterm16" The first 16 system colors of the Xterm 256-color palette.
  • "xterm216" The 6x6x6 color cube of the Xterm 256-color palette. In this case, matrix can also be passed as a MxNx3 RGB array with values 0..5.
  • "grayscale" The 24 grayscale levels of the Xterm 256-color palette.
  • "xterm256" The full Xterm 256-color palette. The three above palettes together.

options comprises additional options. The recognized options are:

  • "indent" The number of spaces by which the board is indented. Default 2.
  • "spaces" The number of spaces forming one field. Default 2.
  • "horizontalseparator" The character used for horizontal separation of the table. Default "#".
  • "verticalseparator" The character used for vertical separation of the table. Default "|".

Package: miscellaneous