Function File: [op,nread] = read_options ( args, varargin )

The function read_options parses arguments to a function as, [ops,nread] = read_options (args,...) - Read options

The input being args a list of options and values. The options can be any of the following,

’op0’ , string : Space-separated names of opt taking no argument <”>

’op1’ , string : Space-separated names of opt taking one argument <”>

’extra’ , string : Name of nameless trailing arguments. <”>

’default’, struct : Struct holding default option values <none>

’prefix’ , int : If false, only accept whole opt names. Otherwise, <0> recognize opt from first chars, and choose shortest if many opts start alike.

’nocase’ , int : If set, ignore case in option names <0>

’quiet’ , int : Behavior when a non-string or unknown opt is met <0> 0 - Produce an error 1 - Return quietly (can be diagnosed by checking ’nread’)

’skipnan’, int : Ignore NaNs if there is a default value. Note : At least one of ’op0’ or ’op1’ should be specified.

The output variables are, ops : struct : Struct whose key/values are option names/values nread : int : Number of elements of args that were read


# Define options and defaults
op0 = "is_man is_plane flies"
default = struct ("is_man",1, "flies",0);

                             # Read the options

s = read_options (list (all_va_args), "op0",op0,"default",default)

                             # Create variables w/ same name as options

[is_man, is_plane, flies] = getfields (s,"is_man", "is_plane", "flies")
pre 2.1.39 function [op,nread] = read_options (args, ...)

Package: miscellaneous