
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Loadable Function: [STAT INFO] = MPI_Probe(SRCRANK, TAG, COMM)

Blocking test for a message.

              STAT struct object
                src (int)       source rank for the accepted message
                tag (int)       message tag for the accepted message
                err(int)        error
                cnt (int)       count
                can (int)       cancel
             INFO (int) return code
               0 MPI_SUCCESS    No error
              13 MPI_ERR_ARG    Invalid argument
               5 MPI_ERR_COMM   Invalid communicator (null?)
               4 MPI_ERR_TAG    Invalid tag argument (MPI_ANY_TAG, 0..MPI_TAG_UB attr)
               6 MPI_ERR_RANK   Invalid src/dst rank (MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0..Comm_size-1)

Package: mpi