Function File: [mesh] = msh2m_equalize_mesh(mesh)
Apply a baricentric regularization to equalize the size of triangle edges, i.e. move each node to the center of mass of the patch of triangles to which it belongs.
May be useful when distorting a mesh. Type
demo msh2m_equalize_mesh
to see some examples.See also: msh2m_displacement_smoothing.
The following code
### equalize a structured mesh without moving boundary nodes msh = msh2m_structured_mesh(linspace(0,1,10),linspace(0,1,10),1,1:4,"random"); dnodes = msh2m_nodes_on_sides(msh,1:4); varnodes = setdiff([1:columns(msh.p)],dnodes); x = msh.p(1,:)'; y = msh.p(2,:)'; msh = msh2m_equalize_mesh(msh); triplot(msh.t(1:3,:)',msh.p(1,:)',msh.p(2,:)'); pause(.01)
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
![]() |
The following code
### distort a mesh on a square equalizing at each step msh = msh2m_structured_mesh(linspace(0,1,10),linspace(0,1,10),1,1:4,"random"); dnodes = msh2m_nodes_on_sides(msh,1:4); varnodes = setdiff([1:columns(msh.p)],dnodes); x = msh.p(1,:)'; y = msh.p(2,:)'; dx = dy = zeros(columns(msh.p),1); dytot = dxtot = -.7*sin(x(dnodes).*y(dnodes)*pi/2); Nsteps = 10; for ii=1:Nsteps dx(dnodes) = dxtot; dy(dnodes) = dytot; [Ax,Ay] = msh2m_displacement_smoothing(msh,1); dx(varnodes) = Ax(varnodes,varnodes) \ ... (-Ax(varnodes,dnodes)*dx(dnodes)); dy(varnodes) = Ay(varnodes,varnodes) \ ... (-Ay(varnodes,dnodes)*dy(dnodes)); msh.p(1,:) += dx'/Nsteps; msh.p(2,:) += dy'/Nsteps; triplot(msh.t(1:3,:)',msh.p(1,:)',msh.p(2,:)','r'); pause(.5) x = msh.p(1,:)'; y = msh.p(2,:)'; msh = msh2m_equalize_mesh(msh); hold on;triplot(msh.t(1:3,:)',msh.p(1,:)',msh.p(2,:)');hold off pause(.5) endfor
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
![]() |
Package: msh