
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: [varargout] = msh2m_geometrical_properties(mesh,[string1,string2,...])

Compute mesh geometrical properties identified by input strings.

Valid properties are:

  • "bar": return a matrix with size 2 times the number of mesh elements containing the center of mass coordinates.
  • "cir": return a matrix with size 2 times the number of mesh elements containing the circumcenter coordinates.
  • "emidp": return a matrix with size 2 times the number of side edges containing their midpoint coordinates.
  • "slength": return a matrix with size 3 times the number of mesh elements containing the length of each element side.
  • "cdist": return a matrix of size 3 times the number of mesh elements containing the distance among circumcenters of neighbouring elements. If the corresponding side lies on the edge, the distance between circumcenter and border edge is returned in the matrix.
  • "wjacdet": return the weigthed Jacobian determinant used for the numerical integration with trapezoidal rule over an element.
  • "shg": return a matrix of size 3 times the number of elements matrix containing the gradient of P1 shape functions.
  • "area": return a row vector containing the area of every element.
  • "midedge": return a multi-dimensional array with size 2 times 3 times the number of elements containing the coordinates of the midpoint of every edge.

The output will contain the geometrical properties requested in the input in the same order specified in the function call.

If an unexpected string is given as input, an empty vector is returned in output.

See also: msh2m_topological_properties, msh3m_geometrical_properties.

Package: msh