KAPPA estimates Cohen's kappa coefficient
   and related statistics 

 [...] = kappa(d1,d2);
	NaN's are handled as missing values and are ignored
 [...] = kappa(d1,d2,'notIgnoreNAN');
	NaN's are handled as just another Label.
 [kap,sd,H,z,ACC,sACC,MI] = kappa(...);
 X = kappa(...);

 d1    data of scorer 1 
 d2    data of scorer 2 

 kap	Cohen's kappa coefficient point
 se	standard error of the kappa estimate
 H	Concordance matrix, i.e. confusion matrix
 z	z-score
 ACC	overall agreement (accuracy) 
 sACC	specific accuracy 
 MI 	Mutual information or transfer information (in [bits])
 X 	is a struct containing all the fields above
       For two classes, a number of additional summary statistics including 
         TPR, FPR, FDR, PPV, NPF, F1, dprime, Matthews Correlation coefficient (MCC) or
	Phi coefficient (PHI=MCC), Specificity and Sensitivity, Youden index (YI)
       are provided. Note, the positive category must the larger label (in d and c), otherwise 
       the confusion matrix becomes transposed and the summary statistics are messed up. 

 [1] Cohen, J. (1960). A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20, 37-46.
 [2] J Bortz, GA Lienert (1998) Kurzgefasste Statistik f|r die klassische Forschung, Springer Berlin - Heidelberg. 
        Kapitel 6: Uebereinstimmungsmasze fuer subjektive Merkmalsurteile. p. 265-270.
 [3] http://www.cmis.csiro.au/Fiona.Evans/personal/msc/html/chapter3.html
 [4] Kraemer, H. C. (1982). Kappa coefficient. In S. Kotz and N. L. Johnson (Eds.), 
        Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
 [5] http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jsuebersax/kappa.htm
 [6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Receiver_operating_characteristic

Package: nan