Access a single or a collection of NetCDF files as a multi-dimensional array
Select category:
Create a ncArray that can be accessed as a normal array.
Create an array that represent a concatenated NetCDF variables.
Get coordinates of the variable varname in the netcdf file called filename.
Parse netCDF time unit.
Read a time variable as serial day number.
Decompress a file using a cache.
Get a array of structures with the coordinate of ncArray A.
Perform the subscripted assignment operation according to the subscript specified by idx.
Perform the subscripted element selection operation according to the subscript specified by idx.
Create a BaseArray of size SZ.
Return last index along a dimension.
Make full (dense) array.
Test if array is numeric.
Compute the maximum along dimension DIM.
Compute the mean along dimension DIM.
Compute the minimum along dimension DIM.
Compute the central moment of the given order along dimension DIM.
Number of elements.
Compute the product of all elements along dimension DIM.
Reduce array using callback fundtions.
Size of array
Compute the standard deviation.
Compute sum along a dimension.
Compute the sum squared.
Compute the variance along dimension DIM.
Test ncBaseArray, ncCatArray and ncArray.
Package: ncarray