NEWS for 'nurbs' Package

Return to the 'nurbs' package

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.4.3:
* inst/nrbctrlplot: allow the number of points for the plot as input
* inst/nrbkntplot: allow the number of points for the plot as input
* inst/nrbmak: added consistency check

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.4.2:
* remove use of deprecated functionality in oct-files

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.4.1:
* inst/nrbglue: added new function
* inst/nrbinverse: add a way to recognize non-convergence

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.4.0:
* inst/basiskntins: return the identity when there is no insertion
* inst/nrbderiv: 3rd and 4th order derivatives
* inst/nrbdeval: 3rd and 4th order derivatives
* inst/nrbruled: extended to trivariates
* inst/nrbmak: added the possibility to normalize the knot vector
* inst/vecnormalize: renamed the old function vecnorm

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.3.14:
* inst/nrbextract: possibility to extract a list of boundary sides
* inst/nrbmultipatch: added tolerance as an optional argument
* inst/nrbspheretiling: added new function
* inst/nrbspheretile: added new function

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.3.13:
 * inst/aveknt.m: added new function
 * inst/nrbclamp.: added new function
 * inst/nrbmodp.m: added new function
 * inst/nrbmodw.m: added new function
 * inst/nrbeval_der_p.m: added new function
 * inst/nrbeval_der_w.m: added new function
 * inst/nrbsquare.m: added new function
 * inst/bspinterpcrv.m: added new function
 * inst/bspinterpsurf.m: added new function
 * inst/nrbinverse.m: added new function
 * inst/nrbbasisfun.m: faster version for cell-arrays. Working version for volumes
 * inst/nrbbasisfunder.m: faster version for cell-arrays. Working version for volumes
 * inst/nrbnumbasisfun.m: faster version for cell-arrays. Working version for volumes. Now using 0-based indexing for cuves (different from basisfun).

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.3.12:
 * nrbmultipatch: check if two faces match more accurately
Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.3.11:
 * nrbextract, nrbmultipatch: generalized for curves

 * inst/deg2rad, inst/rad2deg: removed functions from the package

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.3.10:

 ** 1.3.10 is being released to allow compatibility with Octave 4.0

 * src/ return an error if a point
                                         is outside the knotspan

 * inst/nrbexport: changed the format of geopdes files

 * inst/nrbbasisfun: fixed bug to return indices in the 1D case

 * inst/basiskntins: added new function to compute subdivision coefficients

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.3.9:

 * inst/nrbexport: export multipatch geometries

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.3.8:

 * inst/nrbkntremove.m: added new function

 * inst/nrbunclamp.m: added new function

 * inst/nrbmak.m: adapted for unclamped knot vector

 * inst/nrbplot.m: adapted for unclamped knot vector

 * inst/nrbkntplot.m: adapted for unclamped knot vector

 * inst/nrb2iges: added new function

 * inst/nrbmultipatch: added new function

Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.3.7:

 ** 1.3.7 is mainly a maintainance release to distribute small bug fixes 
    that accumulated over time.

 * inst/nrbpermute.m: added new function

 * inst/nrbreverse.m: each direction can now be reversed independently

 * inst/nrbkntplot.m: now works for non-unitary interval

 * inst/nrbcrvderiveval: code vectorized 

 * inst/nrbplot: fixed bug in affecting plot of trivariate nurbs, now works for 
   non-unitary intervals 

 * inst/nrbctrplot.m: plot the points only once

 * src/*.cc: avoid use of deprecated array constructors


Package: nurbs