NRBEVAL: Evaluate a NURBS at parametric points.
 Calling Sequences:
   [p,w] = nrbeval(crv,ut)
   [p,w] = nrbeval(srf,{ut,vt})
   [p,w] = nrbeval(vol,{ut,vt,wt})
   [p,w] = nrbeval(srf,pts)
   crv		: NURBS curve, see nrbmak.
   srf		: NURBS surface, see nrbmak.

   vol		: NURBS volume, see nrbmak.
   ut		: Parametric evaluation points along U direction.

   vt		: Parametric evaluation points along V direction.
   wt		: Parametric evaluation points along W direction.

   pts     : Array of scattered points in parametric domain

   p		: Evaluated points on the NURBS curve, surface or volume as 
 		Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z). If w is included on the lhs argument
 		list the points are returned as homogeneous coordinates (wx,wy,wz).
   w		: Weights of the homogeneous coordinates of the evaluated
 		points. Note inclusion of this argument changes the type 
 		of coordinates returned in p (see above).
   Evaluation of NURBS curves, surfaces or volume at parametric points along  
   the U, V and W directions. Either homogeneous coordinates are returned
   if the weights are requested in the lhs arguments, or as Cartesian coordinates.
   This function utilises the 'C' interface bspeval.
   Evaluate the NURBS circle at twenty points from 0.0 to 1.0
   nrb = nrbcirc;
   ut = linspace(0.0,1.0,20);
   p = nrbeval(nrb,ut);
 See also:

 Copyright (C) 2000 Mark Spink 
 Copyright (C) 2010 Carlo de Falco
 Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2015 Rafael Vazquez

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

Demonstration 1

The following code

 srf = nrbtestsrf;
 p = nrbeval(srf,{linspace(0.0,1.0,20) linspace(0.0,1.0,20)});
 h = surf(squeeze(p(1,:,:)),squeeze(p(2,:,:)),squeeze(p(3,:,:)));
 title('Test surface.');
 hold off

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Package: nurbs