NRBEXPORT: export NURBS geometries to a format compatible with the one used in GeoPDEs.
 Calling Sequence:
   nrbexport (nurbs, filename);
   nrbexport (nurbs, interfaces, boundaries, filename);
   nrbexport (nurbs, interfaces, boundaries, subdomains, filename);
   nrbexport (nurbs, filename, version);
   nrbexport (nurbs, interfaces, boundaries, filename, version);
   nrbexport (nurbs, interfaces, boundaries, subdomains, filename, version);
   nurbs    :  NURBS curve, surface or volume, see nrbmak.
   interfaces: interface information for GeoPDEs (see nrbmultipatch)
   boundaries: boundary information for GeoPDEs (see nrbmultipatch)
   filename :  name of the output file.
   version  :  either '-V0.7' or '-V2.1', to select the file format
   The data of the nurbs structure is written in the file, in a format 
     that can be read by GeoPDEs. By default, the file is saved in the
     format used by GeoPDEs 2.1. For the format of GeoPDEs 2.0 use the
     option '-v0.7'. Earlier versions of GeoPDEs are not supported.

    Copyright (C) 2011, 2014, 2015 Rafael Vazquez

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

Package: nurbs