
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: [out, [tout]] = tst_odepkg (cirstruct,x,t,tol,maxit,pltvars,solver,odestruct,verbosity);

Perform a transient simulation of the system described by cirstruct over the time interval t using the odepkg DAE solver specified in solver.

Pssible values for solver are ode2r, ode5r, oders or odesx.

The initial value for the state vector is computed by solving a steady state problem at t(1), with starting guess x.

tol and maxit are parameters passed to nls_newton_raphson.

If one output is requested out will contain the value of the state vector at each point of t.

If two outputs are requested out will contain the value of the state vector at each point of tout.

Extra options for options for the solver can be passed to the solver via odestruct.

The optional parameter verbosity controls the amount of output produced:

  • - if verbosity(1) != 0, information on the progress of the algorithm are output at runtime
  • - if verbosity(2) != 0, the plot of the variables whose names are listed in pltvars is produced after the computation

See also: tst_backward_euler,tst_theta_method,tst_daspk,nls_newton_raphson,odepkg,odeset, ode2r,ode5r,oders,odesx.

Package: ocs