Create color colormap. This colormap is composed of as many equally spaced colors (not grays) in the RGB color space as possible.
If there are not a perfect number n of regularly spaced colors then the remaining entries in the colormap are gradients of pure red, green, blue, and gray.
The argument n must be a scalar. If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
See also: colormap.
The following code
## Show the 'colorcube' colormap as an image image (1:64, linspace (0, 1, 64), repmat ((1:64)', 1, 64)); axis ([1, 64, 0, 1], "xy"); set (gca, "xtick", []); colormap (colorcube (64));
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
Package: octave