Numerically evaluate the double integral of f.
f is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the name of the function to evaluate. The function f must have the form z = f(x,y) where x is a vector and y is a scalar. It should return a vector of the same length and orientation as x.
xa, ya and xb, yb are the lower and upper limits of integration for x and y respectively. The underlying integrator determines whether infinite bounds are accepted.
The optional argument tol defines the absolute tolerance used to integrate each sub-integral. The default value is 1e^{-6}.
The optional argument quadf specifies which underlying integrator
function to use. Any choice but quad
is available and the default
is quadcc
Additional arguments, are passed directly to f. To use the default
value for tol or quadf one may pass ':'
or an empty
matrix ([]).
See also: triplequad, quad, quadv, quadl, quadgk, quadcc, trapz.
Package: octave