Typecast the 16 character hexadecimal character string to an IEEE 754 double precision number.
If fewer than 16 characters are given the strings are right padded with
Given a string matrix, hex2num
treats each row as a separate number.
hex2num (["4005bf0a8b145769"; "4024000000000000"]) ⇒ [2.7183; 10.000]
The optional argument class can be passed as the string
to specify that the given string should be interpreted as
a single precision number. In this case, s should be an 8 character
hexadecimal string. For example:
hex2num (["402df854"; "41200000"], "single") ⇒ [2.7183; 10.000]
See also: num2hex, hex2dec, dec2hex.
Package: octave