Compute the incomplete Cholesky factorization of the sparse square matrix A.
By default, ichol
uses only the lower triangle of A and
produces a lower triangular factor L such that L*L'
approximates A.
The factor given by this routine may be useful as a preconditioner for a system of linear equations being solved by iterative methods such as PCG (Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient).
The factorization may be modified by passing options in a structure opts. The option name is a field of the structure and the setting is the value of field. Names and specifiers are case sensitive.
Type of factorization.
(default)Incomplete Cholesky factorization with no fill-in (IC(0)).
Incomplete Cholesky factorization with threshold dropping (ICT).
A non-negative scalar alpha for incomplete Cholesky factorization of
A + alpha * diag (diag (A))
instead of A.
This can be useful when A is not positive definite. The default value
is 0.
A non-negative scalar specifying the drop tolerance for factorization if performing ICT. The default value is 0 which produces the complete Cholesky factorization.
Non-diagonal entries of L are set to 0 unless
abs (L(i,j)) >= droptol * norm (A(j:end, j), 1)
Modified incomplete Cholesky factorization:
(default)Row and column sums are not necessarily preserved.
The diagonal of L is modified so that row (and column) sums are
preserved even when elements have been dropped during the factorization.
The relationship preserved is: A * e = L * L' * e
where e is a vector of ones.
(default)Use only the lower triangle of A and return a lower triangular factor
L such that L*L'
approximates A.
Use only the upper triangle of A and return an upper triangular factor
U such that U'*U
approximates A.
The following problem demonstrates how to factorize a sample symmetric positive definite matrix with the full Cholesky decomposition and with the incomplete one.
A = [ 0.37, -0.05, -0.05, -0.07; -0.05, 0.116, 0.0, -0.05; -0.05, 0.0, 0.116, -0.05; -0.07, -0.05, -0.05, 0.202]; A = sparse (A); nnz (tril (A)) ans = 9 L = chol (A, "lower"); nnz (L) ans = 10 norm (A - L * L', "fro") / norm (A, "fro") ans = 1.1993e-16 opts.type = "nofill"; L = ichol (A, opts); nnz (L) ans = 9 norm (A - L * L', "fro") / norm (A, "fro") ans = 0.019736
Another example for decomposition is a finite difference matrix used to solve a boundary value problem on the unit square.
nx = 400; ny = 200; hx = 1 / (nx + 1); hy = 1 / (ny + 1); Dxx = spdiags ([ones(nx, 1), -2*ones(nx, 1), ones(nx, 1)], [-1 0 1 ], nx, nx) / (hx ^ 2); Dyy = spdiags ([ones(ny, 1), -2*ones(ny, 1), ones(ny, 1)], [-1 0 1 ], ny, ny) / (hy ^ 2); A = -kron (Dxx, speye (ny)) - kron (speye (nx), Dyy); nnz (tril (A)) ans = 239400 opts.type = "nofill"; L = ichol (A, opts); nnz (tril (A)) ans = 239400 norm (A - L * L', "fro") / norm (A, "fro") ans = 0.062327
References for implemented algorithms:
[1] Y. Saad. "Preconditioning Techniques." Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, PWS Publishing Company, 1996.
[2] M. Jones, P. Plassmann: An Improved Incomplete Cholesky Factorization, 1992.
See also: chol, ilu, pcg.
Package: octave