Plot a 3-D triangular wireframe mesh.
In contrast to mesh
, which plots a mesh using rectangles,
plots the mesh using triangles.
tri is typically the output of a Delaunay triangulation over the grid of x, y. Every row of tri represents one triangle and contains three indices into [x, y] which are the vertices of the triangles in the x-y plane. z determines the height above the plane of each vertex. If no z input is given then the triangles are plotted as a 2-D figure.
The color of the trimesh is computed by linearly scaling the z values
to fit the range of the current colormap. Use caxis
change the colormap to control the appearance.
Optionally, the color of the mesh can be specified independently of z by supplying a color matrix, c. If z has N elements, then c should be an Nx1 vector for colormap data or an Nx3 matrix for RGB data.
Any property/value pairs are passed directly to the underlying patch object.
The optional return value h is a graphics handle to the created patch object.
See also: mesh, tetramesh, triplot, trisurf, delaunay, patch, hidden.
The following code
clf; colormap ("default"); old_state = rand ("state"); restore_state = onCleanup (@() rand ("state", old_state)); rand ("state", 10); N = 10; x = 3 - 6 * rand (N, N); y = 3 - 6 * rand (N, N); z = peaks (x, y); tri = delaunay (x(:), y(:)); trimesh (tri, x(:), y(:), z(:));
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
![]() |
Package: octave