Return the cartesian zernikes up to order n (as noll’s index).
If limit_r is false (default true), the polynoms for r>1 are not set to NaN because strictly, the polynoms are only defined for 0 <= r <= 1.
Size of x must be equal size of y.
Demo: type "demo zernike_cartesian"
See also: zernike_name, zernike_noll_to_nm, zernike_polar, zernike_R_poly.
The following code
t = linspace (-1, 1, 80); [x, y] = meshgrid (t, t); max_order = 16; Z = zernike_cartesian (x, y, max_order); for k = 1:max_order subplot (4, 4, k) factors = zeros (max_order, 1); factors(k) = 1; z = reshape (Z*factors, size (x)); imagesc (z) axis ("off", "equal") zname = strrep (zernike_name (k), " ", "\n"); title (zname) endfor
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
![]() |
The following code
n=30; [x,y,z] = sombrero (n); z += 0.05 * peaks (x./4, y./4); z += 0.02 * x; figure surf (x, y, z) title ("Original sombrero + peaks + tilt"); ## approximate sombrero+peaks d = 10; x /= d; y /= d; max_order = 50; Z = zernike_cartesian (x, y, max_order, false); f = Z\z(:); ## create approximated plot z_approx = reshape (Z * f, n, n); figure surf (10 * x, 10 * y, z_approx) title ("approximated");
Produces the following figures
Figure 1 | Figure 2 |
![]() |
![]() |
Package: optics