: [m, n] = zernike_osa_ansi_to_mn (j)

Convert OSA/ANSI single-index j to double index m (Azimuthal degree) and n (Radial degree).


[m,n] = zernike_osa_ansi_to_mn(4)
    ⇒ [0, 2]


  1. Thibos, L.N, Applegate, R.A., Schwiegerling, J.T. & Webb, R., Standards for reporting the optical aberrations of eyes. Journal of refractive surgery , 18 (5), S652-S660 (2002).
  2. OSA/ANSI standard indices of Zernike polynomials, last retrieved on July 2109.

See also: zernike_noll_to_mn, zernikes_and_derivatives_cartesian_OSA, zernike_cartesian, zernike_name, zernike_polar, zernike_R_poly.

Package: optics