Function File: info = residmin_stat (f, p, settings)

Frontend for computation of statistics for a residual-based minimization.

settings is a structure whose fields can be set by optimset. With settings the computation of certain statistics is requested by setting the fields ret_<name_of_statistic> to true. The respective statistics will be returned in a structure as fields with name <name_of_statistic>. Depending on the requested statistic and on the additional information provided in settings, f and p may be empty. Otherwise, f is the model function of an optimization (the interface of f is described e.g. in nonlin_residmin, please see there), and p is a real column vector with parameters resulting from the same optimization.

Currently, the following statistics (or general information) can be requested (the ret_ is prepended so that the option name is complete):

ret_dfdp: Jacobian of model function with respect to parameters.

ret_covd: Covariance matrix of data (typically guessed by applying a factor to the covariance matrix of the residuals).

ret_covp: Covariance matrix of final parameters.

ret_corp: Correlation matrix of final parameters.

For further settings, type optim_doc ("residmin_stat").

For desription of structure-based parameter handling, type optim_doc ("parameter structures").

For backend information, type optim_doc ("residual optimization") and choose the backends type in the menu.

See also: curvefit_stat.

Package: optim