Test for outlying or inlying variance Description: This test is useful to check if largest variance in several groups of data is "outlying" and this group should be rejected. Alternatively, if one group has very small variance, we can test for "inlying" variance. Usage: [pval,C] = cochrantest(x,inlying,n) Arguments: x: A vector of variances or matrix of observations. n: If object is a vector, n should be another vector, giving number of data in each corresponding group. If object is a matrix, n should be omitted. inlying: Test smallest variance instead of largest. Details: The corresponding p-value is calculated using 'cochrancdf' function. Value: C: the value of Cochran-statistic. p.value: the p-value for the test. Author(s): Lukasz Komsta, ported from R package "outliers". See R News, 6(2):10-13, May 2006 References: Snedecor, G.W., Cochran, W.G. (1980). Statistical Methods (seventh edition). Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.