
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


 Calculate critical values and p-values for Grubbs tests
      This function is designed to calculate critical values for Grubbs
      tests for outliers detecting and to approximate p-values
      [q]=grubbsinv(p, n, type, rev) 
        p: vector of probabilities. 
        n: sample size. 
     type: Integer value indicating test variant. 10 is a test for one
           outlier (side is detected automatically and can be reversed
           by 'opposite' parameter). 11 is a test for two outliers on
           opposite tails, 20 is test for two outliers in one tail. 
      rev: if set to TRUE, function 'grubbsinv' acts as 'grubbscdf' (grubbscdf
           is really wrapper to grubbsinv to omit repetition of the code).
      The critical values for test for one outlier is calculated
      according to approximations given by Pearson and Sekar (1936). The
      formula is simply reversed to obtain p-value.
      The values for two outliers test (on opposite sides) are
      calculated according to David, Hartley, and Pearson (1954). Their
      formula cannot be rearranged to obtain p-value, thus such values
      are obtained by simple bisection method.
      For test checking presence of two outliers at one tail, the
      tabularized distribution (Grubbs, 1950) is used, and
      approximations of p-values are interpolated using 'qtable'.
      A vector of quantiles or p-values.
      Lukasz Komsta, ported from R package "outliers".
	See R News, 6(2):10-13, May 2006
      Grubbs, F.E. (1950). Sample Criteria for testing outlying
      observations. Ann. Math. Stat. 21, 1, 27-58.
      Pearson, E.S., Sekar, C.C. (1936). The efficiency of statistical
      tools and a criterion for the rejection of outlying observations.
      Biometrika, 28, 3, 308-320.
      David, H.A, Hartley, H.O., Pearson, E.S. (1954). The distribution
      of the ratio, in a single normal sample, of range to standard
      deviation. Biometrika, 41, 3, 482-493.