Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample Description: Performs Grubbs' test for one outlier, two outliers on one tail, or two outliers on opposite tails, in small sample. Usage: [pval,G,U] = grubbstest(x,type,opposite,twosided) Arguments: x: a numeric vector or matrix of data values. Matrices are treated columnwise (each column as independent set). opposite: a logical (default 0) indicating whether you want to check not the value with largest difference from the mean, but opposite (lowest, if most suspicious is highest etc.) type: Integer value indicating test variant. 10 is a test for one outlier (side is detected automatically and can be reversed by 'opposite' parameter). 11 is a test for two outliers on opposite tails, 20 is test for two outliers in one tail. Default 10. two.sided: Logical value indicating if there is a need to treat this test as two-sided. Default 0. Details: The function can perform three tests given and discussed by Grubbs (1950). First test (10) is used to detect if the sample dataset contains one outlier, statistically different than the other values. Test is based by calculating score of this outlier G (outlier minus mean and divided by sd) and comparing it to appropriate critical values. Alternative method is calculating ratio of variances of two datasets - full dataset and dataset without outlier. The obtained value called U is bound with G by simple formula. Second test (11) is used to check if lowest and highest value are two outliers on opposite tails of sample. It is based on calculation of ratio of range to standard deviation of the sample. Third test (20) calculates ratio of variance of full sample and sample without two extreme observations. It is used to detect if dataset contains two outliers on the same tail. The p-values are calculated using 'grubbscdf' function. Value: G,U: the value statistic. For type 10 it is difference between outlier and the mean divided by standard deviation, and for type 20 it is sample range divided by standard deviation. Additional value U is ratio of sample variances with and withour suspicious outlier. According to Grubbs (1950) these values for type 10 are bound by simple formula and only one of them can be used, but function gives both. For type 20 the G is the same as U. pval: the p-value for the test. Author(s): Lukasz Komsta, ported from R package "outliers". See R News, 6(2):10-13, May 2006 References: Grubbs, F.E. (1950). Sample Criteria for testing outlying observations. Ann. Math. Stat. 21, 1, 27-58.