Interpolate tabularized distribution Description: This function calculates critical values or p-values which cannot be obtained numerically, and only tabularized version is available. Usage: [q] = qtable(p,probs,quants) Arguments: p: vector of probabilities. probs: vector of given probabilities. quants: vector of given corresponding quantiles. Details: This function is mainly internal routine used to obtain Grubbs and Dixon critical values. It fits linear or cubical regression to closests values of its argument, then uses obtained function to obtain quantile by interpolation. But noone disables to call it directly in any purpose :) Value: q: A vector of interpolated values Note: You can simply do "reverse" interpolation (p-value calculating) by reversing probabilities and quantiles (2 and 3 argument). Author(s): Lukasz Komsta, ported from R package "outliers". See R News, 6(2):10-13, May 2006