
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: tricontour (tri, x, y, z, levels)

Function File: tricontour (tri, x, y, z, levels, linespec)

Plot level curves for the values of z on a triangular mesh in 2D.

The variable tri is the triangular meshing of the points (x, y) which is returned from delaunay. The variable levels is a vector with the values of the countour levels. If levels is a scalar, then it corresponds to the number of level curves to be drawn. If exactly one level curve is desired, list the level twice in the vector levels.

If given, linespec determines the properties to use for the lines.

The output argument h is the graphic handle to the plot.

See also: plot trimesh delaunay

Demonstration 1

The following code

 rand ('state', 2)
 x = rand (100, 1)-0.5;
 y = rand (100, 1)-0.5;
 z= (x.*y);
 tri = delaunay (x, y);
 tricontour (tri, x, y, z, [-0.25:0.05:0.25]);
 axis equal
 grid on

Produces the following figure

Figure 1