
Operators and Keywords

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NEWS for 'quaternion' Package

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Summary of important user-visible changes for releases of the quaternion package

quaternion-2.4.0   Release Date: 2015-03-21   Release Manager: Lukas Reichlin

** q2rot
   -- Vectorized code to support the input of multiple quaternions.
   -- Return axis as a column vector.
   -- Add test.

** rot2q
   -- Support for multiple rotation angles (vectorized code).
   -- Improved error messages.
   -- Add test.

** The following functions are new:


** The following functions are now overloaded for quaternions:

     mean           numel
   (Thanks to Willem Atsma for all the changes above)

** The quaternion package now depends on Octave version 3.8.0 or beyond.

** In order to comply with modified Octave Forge rules, the package no longer
   auto-loads.  See "help pkg" for details on auto-loading.

quaternion-2.2.2   Release Date: 2014-07-20   Release Manager: Lukas Reichlin

** q2rot
   Fixed bug #42666.  <>
   The function no longer errors out.  The bug has been introduced with the
   changes in quaternion-2.2.1.  (Thanks to Kjell Andersen)

** The following functions are now overloaded for quaternions:


quaternion-2.2.1   Release Date: 2014-05-05   Release Manager: Lukas Reichlin

** The following functions are now overloaded for quaternions:

     get            set
   While they offer no new editing features compared to subscripted assignment
   and reference, they can display the types and dimensions of the quaternion's
   components if called with one argument:
     get (q)
     set (q)

** subsasgn, subsref
   -- Improved documentation.
   -- Support assignment of scalar and vector part from other quaternions:

        q1.v = q2   # assign components x, y and z, leave w untouched

quaternion-2.2.0   Release Date: 2014-01-04   Release Manager: Lukas Reichlin

** eq
   Changed operator semantics of "==" to match those of complex numbers and
   other built-in types.  Quaternion arrays are now compared element-wise.
   The old behavior can be restored by the expression
     bool = size_equal (a, b) && all (eq (a, b)(:))

** end
   "end" indexing for quaternions works now as expected.

** The following functions are now overloaded for quaternions:

     arg            isempty         reshape
     cast           isfinite        round
     ceil           isinf           sparse
     cumsum         isnan           squeeze
     fix            isreal          sum
     floor          length          tril
     full           ndims           triu

** The following operators are now overloaded for quaternions:

     ge (>=)        le (<=)         ne (!=, ~=)
     gt (>)         lt (<)

   Since there is no ordering that makes quaternions an ordered field, several
   definitions are possible.  The ordering chosen here is the lexicographic one.

** quaternion
   -- Allow logicals as quaternion components.
   -- When called with one or three arguments, fill missing vector or scalar
      part with zeros of the same class as the given arguments.  Before, always
      doubles were used.

quaternion-2.0.3   Release Date: 2013-10-28   Release Manager: Lukas Reichlin

** Compatibility to GNU Octave 3.8
   Replaced line continuation marker "\" by "..." to avoid deprecated syntax

** q2rot
   -- The rotation angle now lies in the interval [0, 2*pi].
   -- Fixed bug #39521. (Thanks to Juan Pablo Carbajal and Max Katsev)

quaternion-2.0.2   Release Date: 2012-10-25   Release Manager: Lukas Reichlin

** eq
   -- Fix typo bug which gave false positives for the k-component.
   -- Avoid error if arguments are non-conformant.

** size_equal
   Add overloaded method because the built-in function gives false positives
   for quaternions.

** ldivide, mldivide, mpower
   Show error message if the number of input arguments is not 2.

quaternion-2.0.1   Release Date: 2012-10-14   Release Manager: Lukas Reichlin

** inv
   Support for the inversion of quaternion matrices.  Right and left division
   operators (/ and \) profit from this change and support quaternion matrices
   as well.

** Check number of arguments when operators are called by their function names,
   e.g. plus (q1, q2, q3).  Function plus supports now more than two arguments.

** doc/quaternion.pdf
   Revised PDF manual.  There is now a function index at the end of the manual.

** The TeX-files  quaternion.tex  and  functions.texi  for generating
   quaternion.pdf  are included in the doc folder, next to  quaternion.pdf.
   Note that  functions.texi  is generated automatically by the scripts in the
   quaternion/devel folder and the package generate_html.
   They are not included in the quaternion package and can be found on the
   OctaveForge SVN server.

quaternion-2.0.0   Release Date: 2012-03-28   Release Manager: Lukas Reichlin

** First official release.  Its main features are:
   -- Matrices and n-dimensional arrays of quaternions.
   -- Overloaded operators due to the use of classes.
   -- Operator semantics similar to Octave’s built-in complex numbers.
   -- Vectorized code for crunching large quaternion arrays in a speedy manner.


Package: quaternion