
Operators and Keywords

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Quaternion package for GNU Octave, includes a quaternion class with overloaded operators

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Quaternion Constructors

Constructor for quaternions - create or convert to quaternion.
Create x-component of a quaternion's vector part.
Create y-component of a quaternion's vector part.
Create z-component of a quaternion's vector part.


Extract vector/angle form of a unit quaternion Q.
Create unit quaternion Q which describes a rotation of ANGLE radians about the vector AXIS.
Convert 3x3 rotation matrix R to unit quaternion Q.

Quaternion Methods

Modulus of a quaternion.
Compute the argument or phase of quaternion Q in radians.
Block-diagonal concatenation of quaternions.
Convert the components of quaternion Q to data type TYPE.
Concatenation of quaternions along dimension DIM.
Round quaternion Q towards positive infinity.
Return number of columns NC of quaternion array Q.
Return conjugate of a quaternion.
Cumulative sum of elements along dimension DIM.
Return a diagonal quaternion matrix with quaternion vector V on diagonal K.
Derivative of a quaternion.
Exponential of a quaternion.
Round quaternion Q towards zero.
Round quaternion Q towards negative infinity.
Return a full storage quaternion representation FQ from sparse or diagonal quaternion SQ.
Access key values of quaternion objects.
Return inverse of a quaternion.
Return true if quaternion Q is empty and false otherwise.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of Q are finite values and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of Q are infinite and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of Q are NaN values and false where they are not.
Return true if scalar part of quaternion is zero, otherwise return false.
Return true if the vector part of quaternion Q is zero and false otherwise.
Return the "length" L of the quaternion array Q.
Logarithmus naturalis of a quaternion.
Compute the mean of the elements of the quaternion array Q.
Return the number of dimensions of quaternion Q.
Norm of a quaternion.
For internal use only, use `prod(size(q))' or `numel (q.w)' instead.
Form a block quaternion matrix QRET of size M by N, with a copy of quaternion matrix Q as each element.
Return a quaternion array with the specified dimensions (M, N, ...) whose elements are taken from the quaternion array Q.
Round the components of quaternion Q towards the nearest integers.
Return number of rows NR of quaternion array Q.
Set or modify properties of quaternion objects.
Return size of quaternion arrays.
Return true if quaternions (and matrices) A, B, ...
Return a sparse quaternion representation SQ from full quaternion FQ.
Remove singleton dimensions from quaternion Q and return the result.
Sum of elements along dimension DIM.
Return a new quaternion matrix formed by extracting the lower triangular part of the quaternion Q, and setting all other elements to zero.
Return a new quaternion matrix formed by extracting the upper triangular part of the quaternion Q, and setting all other elements to zero.
Normalize quaternion to length 1 (unit quaternion).

Overloaded Quaternion Operators

Conjugate transpose of a quaternion.
End indexing for quaternions.
Equal to operator for two quaternions.
Greater-than-or-equal-to operator for two quaternions.
Greater-than operator for two quaternions.
Horizontal concatenation of quaternions.
Element-wise left division for quaternions.
Less-than-or-equal-to operator for two quaternions.
Less-than operator for two quaternions.
Subtraction of two quaternions.
Matrix left division for quaternions.
Matrix power operator of quaternions.
Matrix right division for quaternions.
Matrix multiplication of two quaternions.
Not-equal-to operator for two quaternions.
Addition of two quaternions.
Power operator of quaternions.
Element-wise right division for quaternions.
Subscripted assignment for quaternions.
Subscripted reference for quaternions.
Element-wise multiplication of two quaternions.
Transpose of a quaternion.
Unary minus of a quaternion.
Unary plus of a quaternion.
Vertical concatenation of quaternions.

Package: quaternion