Function File: Q = ctmcbd (b, d)

Returns the infinitesimal generator matrix Q for a continuous birth-death process over the finite state space {1, …, N}. For each i=1, …, (N-1), b(i) is the transition rate from state i to state (i+1), and d(i) is the transition rate from state (i+1) to state i.

Matrix \bf Q is therefore defined as:

/                                                          \
|-b(1)     b(1)                                           |
| d(1) -(d(1)+b(2))     b(2)                              |
|          d(2)     -(d(2)+b(3))        b(3)              |
|                                                         |
|               ...           ...          ...            |
|                                                         |
|                      d(N-2)    -(d(N-2)+b(N-1))  b(N-1) |
|                                      d(N-1)     -d(N-1) |
\                                                          /

where \lambda_i and \mu_i are the birth and death rates, respectively.

See also: dtmcbd.

Package: queueing