Function File: M = dtmctaexps (P, n, p0)
Function File: M = dtmctaexps (P, p0)

Compute the time-averaged sojourn times M(i), defined as the fraction of time spent in state i during the first n transitions (or until absorption), assuming that the state occupancy probabilities at time 0 are p0.



N \times N transition probability matrix.


Number of transitions during which the time-averaged expected sojourn times are computed (scalar, n ≥ 0). if n = 0, returns p0.


Initial state occupancy probabilities (vector of length N).



If this function is called with three arguments, M(i) is the expected fraction of steps {0, …, n} spent in state i, assuming that the state occupancy probabilities at time zero are p0. If this function is called with two arguments, M(i) is the expected fraction of steps spent in state i until absorption. M is a vector of length N.

See also: dtmcexps.

Package: queueing