¶(t, f0)
¶(t, f0, t1)
¶(t, f0, t1, f1)
¶(t, f0, t1, f1, shape)
¶(t, f0, t1, f1, shape, phase)
¶Evaluate a chirp signal at time t. A chirp signal is a frequency swept cosine wave.
vector of times to evaluate the chirp signal
frequency at time t=0 [ 0 Hz ]
time t1 [ 1 sec ]
frequency at time t=t1 [ 100 Hz ]
shape of frequency sweep ’linear’ f(t) = (f1-f0)*(t/t1) + f0 ’quadratic’ f(t) = (f1-f0)*(t/t1)^2 + f0 ’logarithmic’ f(t) = (f1/f0)^(t/t1) * f0
phase shift at t=0
For example:
specgram (chirp ([0:0.001:5])); # default linear chirp of 0-100Hz in 1 sec specgram (chirp ([-2:0.001:15], 400, 10, 100, "quadratic")); soundsc (chirp ([0:1/8000:5], 200, 2, 500, "logarithmic"), 8000);
If you want a different sweep shape f(t), use the following:
y = cos (2 * pi * integral (f(t)) + phase);
The following code
t = 0:0.001:5; y = chirp (t); specgram (y, 256, 1000); %------------------------------------------------------------ % Shows linear sweep of 100 Hz/sec starting at zero for 5 sec % since the sample rate is 1000 Hz, this should be a diagonal % from bottom left to top right.
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
![]() |
The following code
t = -2:0.001:15; y = chirp (t, 400, 10, 100, "quadratic"); [S, f, t] = specgram (y, 256, 1000); t = t - 2; imagesc(t, f, 20 * log10 (abs (S))); set (gca (), "ydir", "normal"); xlabel ("Time"); ylabel ("Frequency"); %------------------------------------------------------------ % Shows a quadratic chirp of 400 Hz at t=0 and 100 Hz at t=10 % Time goes from -2 to 15 seconds.
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
![]() |
The following code
t = 0:1/8000:5; y = chirp (t, 200, 2, 500, "logarithmic"); specgram (y, 256, 8000); %------------------------------------------------------------- % Shows a logarithmic chirp of 200 Hz at t=0 and 500 Hz at t=2 % Time goes from 0 to 5 seconds at 8000 Hz.
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
![]() |
Package: signal