Function File: m = ifht (d, n, dim)

Calculate the inverse Fast Hartley Transform of real input d. If d is a matrix, the inverse Hartley transform is calculated along the columns by default. The options n and dim are similar to the options of FFT function.

The forward and inverse Hartley transforms are the same (except for a scale factor of 1/N for the inverse hartley transform), but implemented using different functions.

The definition of the forward hartley transform for vector d, m[K] = 1/N \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} d[i]*(cos[K*2*pi*i/N] + sin[K*2*pi*i/N]), for 0 <= K < N. m[K] = 1/N \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} d[i]*CAS[K*i], for 0 <= K < N.


See also: fht, fft.

Package: signal