Function File: L = isminphase (b, a)
Function File: L = isminphase (sos)
Function File: L = isminphase (…, tol)

Determine whether a digital filter is minimum phase. The filter might be defined by the numerator coefficients, b, and the denominator coefficients, a, or, alternatively, by a matrix of second-order sections, sos. A toleranve tol might be given to define when two numbers are close enough to be considered equal.


a = [1 0.5]; b = [3 1];
isminphase (b, a)

Ref [1] Oppenheim, Alan, and Ronald Schafer. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. 3rd edition, Pearson, 2009.

Demonstration 1

The following code

 b = [3 1];
 a = [1 .5];
 f = isminphase (b, a)
 ## test input validation

Produces the following output

f = 1

Package: signal