Function File: FLAG = isstable (B, A)

Returns a logical output equal to TRUE, if the filter is stable. This can be done with coeffients of the filer B and A. Alternatively by using a second order sections matrix (SOS).


  • B: Numerator coefficients of the filter
  • A: Denominator coeffients of the filter. Can be an empty vector.


  • FLAG: Returns a logical output, equal to TRUE if the filter is stable.


  b = [1 2 3 4 5 5 1 2];
  a = [4 5 6 7 9 10 4 6];
  flag = isstable (b, a)
  flag = 0

Using SOS

  [z, p, k] = butter (6, 0.7, 'high');
  sos = zp2sos (z, p, k);
  flag = isstable (sos)
  flag = 1

Package: signal