a =
lpc (x)
¶a =
lpc (x, p)
¶[a, g] =
lpc (…)
¶[a, g] =
lpc (x, p)
¶Determines the forward linear predictor by minimizing the prediction error in the least squares sense. Use the Durbin-Levinson algorithm to solve the Yule-Walker equations obtained by the autocorrelation of the input signal.
x is a data vector used to estimate the lpc model of p-th order,
given by the prediction polynomial a = [1 a(2) …
. If p is not provided, length(p) - 1
is used as default.
x might also be a matrix, in which case each column is regarded as a
separate signal. lpc
will return a model estimate for each column of
g is the variance (power) of the prediction error for each signal in x.
See also: aryule,levinson.
The following code
noise = randn (10000, 1); x = filter (1, [1 1/2 1/4 1/8], noise); x = x(end-4096:end); [a, g] = lpc (x, 3); xe = filter ([0 -a(2:end)], 1, x); e = x - xe; [ac, k] = xcorr (e, "coeff"); subplot (2,1,1); plot (x(1:100), "b-", xe(1:100), "r--"); xlabel ("sample"); ylabel ("amplitude"); legend ("original","LPC estimate"); subplot (2,1,2); plot (k,ac,"b-"); xlabel ("lag"); title ("autocorrelation of prediction error");
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
![]() |
The following code
if !isempty ( pkg ("list", "ltfat") ) pkg load ltfat [sig, fs] = linus; x = sig(13628:14428); [a, g] = lpc (x, 8); F = round (sort (unique (abs (angle (roots (a))))) * fs / (2 * pi) ); [h, w] = freqz (1, a, 512, "whole"); subplot (2, 1, 1); plot ( 1E3 * [0:1/fs:(length (x)-1)*1/fs], x); xlabel ("time (ms)"); ylabel ("Amplitude"); title ( "'linus' test signal" ); subplot (2, 1, 2); plot (w(1:256)/pi, 20*log10 (abs (h(1:256)))); xlabel ("Normalized Frequency ({\\times \\pi} rad/sample)") ylabel ("Magnitude (dB)") txt = sprintf (['Signal sampling rate = %d kHz\nFormant frequencies: ' ... '\nF1 = %d Hz\nF2 = %d Hz\nF3 = %d Hz\nF4 = %d Hz'], fs/1E3, ... F(1), F(2), F(3), F(4)); text (0.6, 20, txt); endif ## test input validation
gives an example of how 'lpc' is used.
Package: signal