Function File: xcorr2 (a)
Function File: xcorr2 (a, b)
Function File: xcorr2 (…, scale)

Compute the 2D cross-correlation of matrices a and b.

If b is not specified, computes autocorrelation of a, i.e., same as xcorr (a, a).

The optional argument scale, defines the type of scaling applied to the cross-correlation matrix. Possible values are:

"none" (default)

No scaling.


Scales the raw cross-correlation by the maximum number of elements of a and b involved in the generation of any element of c.


Scales the raw correlation by dividing each element in the cross-correlation matrix by the number of products a and b used to generate that element.


Scales the normalized cross-correlation on the range of [0 1] so that a value of 1 corresponds to a correlation coefficient of 1.

See also: conv2, corr2, xcorr.

Package: signal