Special functions including ellipitic functions, etc
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Compute the cosine integral function defined by: Inf / Ci(x) = | cos(t)/t dt / x
Compute the sine integral defined by: x / Si(x) = | sin(t)/t dt / 0
Compute the cosine integral function defined by: Inf / cosint(x) = | cos(t)/t dt / x
Compute the dirac delta function.
Compute complete elliptic integral of first K(M) and second E(M).
Compute the inverse complementary error function.
Compute the exponential integral, infinity / expint(x) = | exp(t)/t dt / x
Compute the exponential integral, infinity / expint(x) = | exp(t)/t dt / x
Compute the exponential integral, infinity / expint_Ei(x) = - | exp(t)/t dt / -x
Compute the Heaviside step function.
Compute the value of the Laguerre polynomial of order N for each element of X
Compute the Lambert W function of Z.
LAPLACIAN Sparse Negative Laplacian in 1D, 2D, or 3D
Returns the terms (monomials) of the multinomial expansion of degree n.
Produces the coefficients of the multinomial expansion
Returns the exponents of the terms in the multinomial expansion
Compute the psi function, for each value of X.
Compute the sine integral function.
Compute the Riemann's Zeta function.
Compute the Jacobi elliptic functions sn, cn, dn of complex argument and real parameter.
Package: specfun