Function File: [yi p sigma2,unc_y] = csaps_sel(x, y, xi, w=[], crit=[])
Function File: [pp p sigma2,unc_y] = csaps_sel(x, y, [], w=[], crit=[])

Cubic spline approximation with smoothing parameter estimation
Approximately interpolates [x,y], weighted by w (inverse variance; if not given, equal weighting is assumed), at xi.

The chosen cubic spline with natural boundary conditions pp(x) minimizes p Sum_i w_i*(y_i - pp(x_i))^2 + (1-p) Int pp”(x) dx.

A selection criterion crit is used to find a suitable value for p (between 0 and 1); possible values for crit are ‘vm’ (Vapnik’s measure [Cherkassky and Mulier 2007] from statistical learning theory); ‘aicc’ (corrected Akaike information criterion, the default); ‘aic’ (original Akaike information criterion); ‘gcv’ (generalized cross validation).

If crit is a nonnegative scalar instead of a string, then p is chosen to so that the mean square scaled residual Mean_i (w_i*(y_i - pp(x_i))^2) is approximately equal to crit. If crit is a negative scalar, then p is chosen so that the effective number of degrees of freedom in the spline fit (which ranges from 2 when p = 0 to n when p = 1) is approximately equal to -crit.

x and w should be n by 1 in size; y should be n by m; xi should be k by 1; the values in x should be distinct and in ascending order; the values in w should be nonzero.

Returns the smoothing spline pp or its values yi at the desired xi; the selected p; the estimated data scatter (variance from the smooth trend) sigma2; the estimated uncertainty (SD) of the smoothing spline fit at each x value, unc_y; and the estimated number of degrees of freedom df (out of n) used in the fit.

For small n, the optimization uses singular value decomposition of an n by n matrix in order to quickly compute the residual size and model degrees of freedom for many p values for the optimization (Craven and Wahba 1979). For large n (currently >300), an asymptotically more computation and storage efficient method that takes advantage of the sparsity of the problem’s coefficient matrices is used (Hutchinson and de Hoog 1985).


Vladimir Cherkassky and Filip Mulier (2007), Learning from Data: Concepts, Theory, and Methods. Wiley, Chapter 4

Carl de Boor (1978), A Practical Guide to Splines, Springer, Chapter XIV

Clifford M. Hurvich, Jeffrey S. Simonoff, Chih-Ling Tsai (1998), Smoothing parameter selection in nonparametric regression using an improved Akaike information criterion, J. Royal Statistical Society, 60B:271-293

M. F. Hutchinson and F. R. de Hoog (1985), Smoothing noisy data with spline functions, Numerische Mathematik, 47:99-106

M. F. Hutchinson (1986), Algorithm 642: A fast procedure for calculating minimum cross-validation cubic smoothing splines, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 12:150-153

Grace Wahba (1983), Bayesian “confidence intervals” for the cross-validated smoothing spline, J Royal Statistical Society, 45B:133-150

Herman J. Woltring (1986), A Fortran package for generalized, cross-validatory spline smoothing and differentiation, Advances in Engineering Software, 8(2):104–113

See also: csaps, spline, csapi, ppval, dedup, bin_values, gcvspl.

Demonstration 1

The following code

 ni = 400; #number of evaluation points
 n = 40; #number of given sample points
 f = @(x) sin (2*pi*x); #function generating the synthetic data
 x = sort (rand (n, 1)); #sampled points
 y = f(x) + 0.1*randn (n, 1);
 xi = linspace (0, 1, ni); #evaluation points
 yi = csaps_sel (x,y,xi,[],'aicc');
 plot (x, y, 's', xi, yi)
 grid on
 legend ('Given data', 'Spline fit')
 title ('Spline smoothing with synthetic data sampled from sine wave with noise')

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Package: splines