Function File: Y = inconsistent (Z)
Function File: Y = inconsistent (Z, d)

Compute the inconsistency coefficient for each link of a hierarchical cluster tree.

Given a hierarchical cluster tree Z generated by the linkage function, inconsistent computes the inconsistency coefficient for each link of the tree, using all the links down to the d-th level below that link.

The default depth d is 2, which means that only two levels are considered: the level of the computed link and the level below that.

Each row of Y corresponds to the row of same index of Z. The columns of Y are respectively: the mean of the heights of the links used for the calculation, the standard deviation of the heights of those links, the number of links used, the inconsistency coefficient.

Reference Jain, A., and R. Dubes. Algorithms for Clustering Data. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1988.

See also: cluster, clusterdata, dendrogram, linkage, pdist, squareform.

Package: statistics