Compute multivariate normal pdf for x given mean mu and covariance matrix sigma. The dimension of x is d x p, mu is 1 x p and sigma is p x p. The normal pdf is defined as
1/y^2 = (2 pi)^p |Sigma|exp { (x-mu)' inv(Sigma) (x-mu) }
NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook
Using Cholesky factorization on the positive definite covariance matrix:
r = chol (sigma);
where r’*r = sigma. Being upper triangular, the determinant of r is trivially the product of the diagonal, and the determinant of sigma is the square of this:
det = prod (diag (r))^2;
The formula asks for the square root of the determinant, so no need to square it.
The exponential argument A = x’ * inv (sigma) * x
A = x' * inv (sigma) * x = x' * inv (r' * r) * x = x' * inv (r) * inv(r') * x
Given that inv (r’) == inv(r)’, at least in theory if not numerically,
A = (x' / r) * (x'/r)' = sumsq (x'/r)
The interface takes the parameters to the multivariate normal in columns rather than rows, so we are actually dealing with the transpose:
A = sumsq (x/r)
and the final result is:
r = chol (sigma) y = (2*pi)^(-p/2) * exp (-sumsq ((x-mu)/r, 2)/2) / prod (diag (r))
See also: mvncdf, mvnrnd.
The following code
mu = [0, 0]; sigma = [1, 0.1; 0.1, 0.5]; [X, Y] = meshgrid (linspace (-3, 3, 25)); XY = [X(:), Y(:)]; Z = mvnpdf (XY, mu, sigma); mesh (X, Y, reshape (Z, size (X))); colormap jet
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
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Package: statistics