Function File: tblwrite (data, varnames, casenames, filename)
Function File: tblwrite (data, varnames, casenames, filename, delimeter)

Write tabular data to an ascii file.

data is written to an ascii data file named filename with an optional delimeter. The delimeter may be any single character or

  • "space" " " (default)
  • "tab" "\t"
  • "comma" ","
  • "semi" ";"
  • "bar" "|"

The data is written starting at cell (2,2) where the varnames are a char matrix or cell vector written to the first row (starting at (1,2)), and the casenames are a char matrix (or cell vector) written to the first column (starting at (2,1)).

See also: tblread, csv2cell, cell2csv.

Package: statistics