Function: bernoulli (n)
Function: bernoulli (n, x)

Numerically evaluate Bernoulli numbers and polynomials.


bernoulli (6)
  ⇒ 0.023810
bernoulli (7)
  ⇒ 0

Note there are two conventions in the literature about the sign of B_1, but for certain the absolute value is one half:

abs (bernoulli (1))
  ⇒ 0.5000

As of 2023, this numerical evaluation function is in a state of flux about which one it takes, see ‘@sym/bernoulli’.

Polynomial example:

bernoulli (2, pi)
  ⇒ 6.8947

Note this function may be slow for large numbers of inputs. This is because it is not a native double-precision implementation.

See also: @sym/bernoulli.

Package: symbolic