Method on @sym: chebyshevU (n, x)

Find the nth symbolic Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind.

If n is a vector then it returns a vector with Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind for each element of n.


syms x
chebyshevU(1, x)
  ⇒ (sym) 2⋅x
chebyshevU(2, x)
  ⇒ (sym)
      4⋅x  - 1
syms n
chebyshevU(n, x)
  ⇒ (sym) chebyshevu(n, x)

The inputs can be vectors, for example:

syms x
chebyshevU([0 1 2], x)
  ⇒ (sym 1×3 matrix)
      ⎡           2    ⎤
      ⎣1  2⋅x  4⋅x  - 1⎦

See also: @sym/chebyshevT, @double/chebyshevU.

Package: symbolic